Arthur Sutherland


The new, improved and updated

Ultimate Cockup and Virtual Boredom site




Welcome to version III. Now under construction.

This is the English Language version of the textual homepage




I suppose it's better to get this legal stuff out of the
way before I continue
If you see anything on my little website which offends you,
please bear in mind that I don’t intend it to, one mans meat is
another mans poison.
What you see on this site, is here because I believe it to be true either 
because I know it is so, or because I have seen enough proof to satisfy me, 
that it is so.If I don’t present something as fact, then it is my
 opinion, to which, in a supposedly free democracy, I’m entitled.
If you think that something I have said is so, and anyone
thinks it isn’t so, then if you can prove to me that it isn’t
so, I will change whatever it was what I thought was so, bit wasn’t.
Can I say fairer than that?
Lastly I am currently reconstructing the entire site so until
I remove this paragraph some of the stuff might not work.
You will just have to bear with me.
Please report Criticisms, complaints and dead links here

To The Business

I know we Scots in our homeland have got ourselves a measure ofIndependence, although it 
does me no good, since I live in England. Anyway now that it's happened I’m 
keeping my fingers crossed that the new Scottish Parliament with the aid of the Scottish Executive
will have the good sense to pre-empt the rest of the country by introducing  a  
Freedom of Information Act and a Bill of Rights. I suppose it's too much to expect a 
Scottish Constitution. 
If you want to know why I’m ranting about this stuff, then take a  look at Charter88 there's  
more about such matters and some other stuff I'll be ranting about later, bit you should get 
the gist of it all, and if you don’t agree then maybe you like elected dictatorship. 
I am going to put some of my genealogy stuff up on my Family page such as my family tree,
 by the looks of it we have all fallen out of it.  It's now grown somewhat large and I think there's
 maybe about 579 individuals over 9 generations. I have to thank folk like my Brother, 
Alan Neal Sutherland for getting me started on this, and a certain Dr. Alan Beattie who gave me a lot 
of information about the Arthurs of Shetland. 
If, you like good food, as much as I do then you won’t go far wrong with my Gourmet page, 
it's only got eight recipeson it so far, but I will  be adding more later, visit regularly, 
you never know what will appear next
The Pirate page may not be about what you think it is. No pieces of eight or dubloons here. 
It's about offshore broadcasting from 1964 to 1967 when the radio ships and forts taught 
auntie B.B.C. how tae do it. Find out what Radio was like B.P. (Before Pirates)  
Now this is where I’m going tell those in power what needs to be done. Take a look at my 
Politics page and see if you don’t agree with me. It's still being thought out so don’t 
expect too much yet because I’m still knocking my soap box together. It's meant to be thought 
provoking and engender free debate so feel free to heckle. I will add any valid and decent 
Criticisms to the page.
I like music, which I suppose comes from being a D.J for most of the past 40 years. 
It all started with the pirate radio stations, in particular Radio Scotland, I talked about earlier,
 so here's two pages one Pop music and one Classical music. 
The wonderment of how Radio and television happened was also responsible for my interest 
in Electronics, something kids today take forgranted and don’t seem interested in.
If I had more time I might have spent it learning more about Astronomy and  Space flight.  
While some people who think they know me, might say my head is always in the clouds, 
I have to do other things to make a living, such as  Electronics and D.J. work.
I don’t read a lot, but I have a liking for Science Fiction when I can find the time, 
it makes you think. I also watch as much of Star Trek. as I can.
Nostalgia is something you want more of as you start getting on a bit, I'll only worry 
when I can’t remember what it is I wanted to be nostalgic about. But for now I have 
got a page on Steam Railways before I forget they ever existed.  I also thought I might as well
 add a little something about atmospheric flight in here an so here’s aircraft.
As I live and Work in York it's only fair to include some stuff
about this historical walled city, where, I have heard, there is still an ancient bylaw which allows 
locals to shoot any Scotsmen they find inside the city walls after dusk, but 
only with a bow an arrow. I'll tell you something though, nice as York is, it's  boring once you've 
seen all the heritage an architecture, indeed it bears no comparison to Auld Reekie, So have a 
look at this an see what living is all about. Edinburgh being, as it is the Capital of Scotland. 
and will remain so in perpituity, regardless of what some folk from that other place might think.
I’m going to bore you rigid now with some chat about my Garden take 
a peek now and then, Im going to make it interactive soon, when I figure out how.
 "Ground Force" won’t get a look in.
There's something here for the Children and about our children
Fiona and Heather
If I feel like it I might have a rant about Religion. Then again 
I might not bother. 
At long last I can share with you some poems I have written, or have been written to me or 
about me.  Some are funny, some are sad, some are romantic, and some are.... well why don't 
you decide. See what you think when I put them up in my Poetry section.
I'll be writing some new pages on Radio and the good ship Dunera.  You should know
 that there will be a Contents page and an Alphabetical Index and if I can
be bothered I'll tell you something about what I think and know about the new Scottish Parliament. 
Two final pages (maybe) to round of the site.  One on Transactional Analysis which can help a lot if 
you are feeling down or confused about life and yourself, I can vouch for that. Similarly
 Humour can go a long way to aleviate your situation
To conclude I'll put up a page of Acknowledgements, well it's the proper thing to do.

This is the English translation of the homepage, apologies if it's less humourous than
the original Scots but, that's life.


The   End   Of   The   Beginning

You can use one of these shortcuts to take you to another of my pages

| 1 Picture Home | 2 Text Home | 3 Family | 4 The Mortgage Centre | 5 Food | 6 Pirate Radio |

| 7 Politics | 8 Pop Music | 9 Classical Music | 10 Astronomy | 11 Space Flight | 12 Science Fiction |

| 13 Star Trek | 14 Heritage Railways | 15 Aeroplanes | 16 Work | 17 York | 18 Edinburgh |

| 19 Scotland | 20 Garden | 21 Bairns | 22 Religion | 23 Poetry | 24 Family Tree | 25 Cuttings |

| 26 Radio Scotland | 27 Pirate D.J.'s | 28 Dunera | 29 C.V. | 30 Fiona | 31 Heather | 32 Radio |

| 33 Electronics | 34 Judy | 35 Fulford Nursing Home | 36 Bishop Auckland |

| 37 Transactional Analysis | 38 Alphabetical Index | 39 Contents | 40 Acknowledgements |

| 41 Scottish Parliament | 42 Humour | 43 Me

If you have something you want to say I can be contacted

at work


at home

Arthur G. R. Sutherland


North Yorkshire


Page 2e Texthome